10 Random Things About Me


  1. I have the most gnarly sweet tooth
  2. I wash my hair maybe every week and a half and blow outs are my best friend
  3. I would seriously love to be 100% vegan
  4. My morning and night routines are very intense and I am so out of whack if I go off schedule
  5. One of the best songs to just completely rock out in the car to is Aerosmith’s Livin’ on the Edge
  6. One day….I will compile a list of my all time favorite songs
  7. My friend Maria D and I send SnapChat videos back and forth using the animal filter pretty much every night.
  8. I’m a bonafide bad TV watcher – Kardashians, Housewives, you name it, I watch it via Netflix and Hulu
  9. As stated in #7, I am a SnapChat junkie. It’s the only social media that I can control
  10. I gratitude journal every single night and I love it!