Fashion Risks to Take This Year

Dress Up The Sneaker

I’m constantly on my feet at work – so sneakers are a necessity and I go through them FAST. The goal is to glam up my sneaker-chic looks and be a fashion sensei even in sneaks!


More Chuck Taylors Please

Basically, same reason as the above. Chucks look adorable. They may not be the most comfortable thing for me, but they sure are cute and I need more of them this year!


Always Channel My Inner Mary-Kate and Ashley

OMG – every time I see any of their looks, I swoon. They are laid back, always trendy, and with a little edge. I got the messy hair and minimal make up look down – but I WILL master their style!


And lastly…

Always Radiate Kindness & Confidence

Any outfit looks better when you feel good in it….annnnnddddd…..when you smile and show kindness to others. Nothing makes me more happy than helping others. So, please pay it forward!


All images were found on Pinterest (my favorite place to hang out on the web)

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