Why I Do Not Drink [Alcohol]

I quit drinking about 10.5 years ago. I was really unhappy with my life. I was abusing alcohol. I liked it too much. My job was completely unfulfilling, my friends were questionable at the time and I was pushing away my true friends that cared about me. I knew there was a better path for me and I knew I wanted *much* more out of life. I took a real hard look at myself and craved changed. I was destined for better. (I am choosing to spare you of the horrid nights of blacking out and puking)

I picked up Gabrielle Bernstein’s first book at the time she was launching it – probably around 11-12 years ago. I found her via Twitter, when she randomly followed me. (I’m sure it was a bot trying to promote her new book, but I was curious). It was divine timing and I was led to some of the most beautiful, successful, sober women. At first, I was hesitant, thinking these women cannot be fun. What was life like without bars or a little buzz? I laughed at it at first but then I realized, THEY HAD WHAT I WANT.

Gabby introduced me to my first sponsor, and I committed myself to getting sober after telling Gabby I was *thinking* about it – and put myself on a 3 month sober trial.

Things got clearer. MUCH CLEARER. I was making better decisions for myself. I set up goals. I was focused. I was working on loving myself more than I ever have in my entire life. I worked the AA Steps with my sponsor. I left my job, got a new, then got a new one after that. Life wasn’t easy but the journey was manageable and I grew SO MUCH in the first year. It was worth every sacrifice.

Years go by, and I am still a strong, sober woman. I pinch myself know I haven’t touched a drop of alcohol in over 10 years. I’ve worked so hard on myself. I am honest. I am real and I am the farthest thing from boring. What I do for fun are what I call HEALTHY LIFESTYLE things.

I don’t need to explain myself but I know a lot of people are curious (This post is for you, baby!).

Get better…Feel better…Love yourself and others more. It’s all up to you and I am here to help and guide you however I can! Reach out, get in touch, I am here for you.

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