I Have Bad Days Too

We all have bad days, let’s face it.  It’s part of being human. I’ve been on a pretty good run with daily meditation, exercising, and eating right with lots of green drinks and salads which all make me feel good, but this past weekend was a doozy for me. 

ImageIt started with the hot, hot heat here in Southern California which made me irritable. Then, I couldn’t listen to my BF’s complaining, then I was bored – that led to me being upset all day yesterday. Also, at work there’s a lot of changes coming my way which is making my moods a little bit unstable. I don’t like feeling like a loose cannon and I do think bad days are a good point to start working on yourself even harder. 

I walked into my job today with a not-so-great attitude and mood (never a good way to start the day).  After talking to some of my dear friends, I realized that all change is not bad and now is the time to buck up and deal with it. I also realized that it was okay to feel sad, mad, and bad as long I knew why and I talked about it. 

So, yes, I get bad days too and it’s all about feeling your feelings, talking about it, and then jump into the work.  Right after I left work, I ran to the Chopra Center for a 30 minute group meditation.  It felt SO GOOD. I left on a high and I just feel great. Use bad days as a starting point and go through the motions. Ask for help and advice – and do some self care – you’ll be feeling back to normal in no time! 

2 thoughts on “I Have Bad Days Too

  1. The past few days have been rough for me and reading this took away that anxiety that has been living in my chest. Thank you for sharing! xoxo

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